The Chelsea Hub CHA partnership

Innovative cross-sector partnership helps those in need.
In 2015, CHA Everett Hospital joined an innovative partnership spearheaded by the Chelsea Police Department that acts as a crisis intervention service for members of the community facing addiction, homelessness, mental health challenges and other obstacles to living healthy lives. Click here to watch a video showcasing the Hub!
The group, known as the Chelsea Hub, brings together 15 agencies from Chelsea and the surrounding communities, including CHA Everett Hospital staff, who meet every Thursday morning. The group is a silo buster with police officers, human service coordinators, hospital staff and community stakeholders coming together to find ways to help those who are most vulnerable. Before, agencies were trying to help the same individuals but were not connecting in a meaningful way.
After each meeting, Chelsea Hub team members head out into the community, engage with people identified as high-risk and attempt to assist them before they end up in the CHA Everett Hospital Emergency Department (ED). This partnership connects the Everett ED with the community and allows CHA staff to utilize a process for connecting high-risk individuals with community-based resources.
Launching the program with a diverse array of partners was no small task, and it took everyone working together with the same mission in mind, caring for those most in need in our communities, to make it a reality. The program is a shining example of the exceptional community-based work CHA and its partners do every day.
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